Commentary on the aggregated balance sheet of investment funds
November 2024
Commentary on the aggregated sectoral balance sheet
Net assets value
The net assets value of investment funds was CZK 1,492.0 billion at the end of November. This means an increase of CZK 27.2 billion compared to October (monthly transactions accounted for CZK +9.0 billion). Compared to the same period last year, the net assets value of investment funds rose by 28.9%. The biggest month-on-month change in the net assets value was recorded for equity funds, up by CZK 9.0 billion to CZK 174.5 billion.
Investment in bonds
The value of bond holdings was CZK 343.8 billion at the end of November. Compared to the previous month, the total volume of bonds in the funds’ portfolio increased by CZK 9.8 billion (monthly transactions accounted for CZK +7.6 billion). The proportion of debt securities in the funds’ net assets value went up to 23.0% compared to the previous month.
Investment in equity securities
The volume of equity securities in the funds’ portfolio increased in the month under review. As of the end of the month, the value of holdings of equity securities amounted to CZK 771.8 billion, of which CZK 293.3 billion was investment in the shares and units of investment funds and CZK 478.5 billion was investment in shares and other equity. The value of equity securities grew by CZK 26.6 billion compared to October (monthly transactions accounted for CZK +11.0 billion). The proportion of equity securities in the funds’ net assets value increased to 51.7% compared to the previous month.
Other investment
The value of funds invested in other assets decreased in the period under review. The total volume of other investment was CZK 474.1 billion in November, of which CZK 74.3 billion was fixed investment and CZK 151.5 billion investment in deposits. The proportion of other investment in the funds’ net assets value fell to 31.8% compared to the previous month.
Reporting population
At the end of November 2024, a total of 915 resident investment funds were active in the Czech Republic, of which 107 were equity funds, 73 bond funds, 72 mixed funds, 154 real estate funds, 476 other funds and 33 funds without an investment policy.
Chart 1 – Balance sheet total – breakdown by asset item
Source: ARAD data series system
Chart 2 – Net assets value – breakdown by investment policy
Source: ARAD data series system
- Investment funds mean investment and mutual funds other than money market funds. In accordance with Regulation of the European Central Bank concerning the balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions sector (ECB/2013/33), money market funds fall into this sector and the data for money market funds are not part of the investment fund statistics.
- Transactions mean changes in stocks which occurred during the relevant period owing to purchases/sales of the given instrument. Monthly transactions are calculated from differences in outstanding amounts adjusted for reclassifications, price changes, exchange rate variations and other changes which do not arise from financial transactions (non-transaction effects).
- Other investment is understood to mean funds invested in assets other than bonds and equity securities (especially deposits, loans and real estate).
- The time series for investment fund statistics are available in the ARAD data series system.